Reuben Goes to New York

So, I’ve sent Reuben to New York. It was a rather alarming thing to do. He has spent nearly twenty years dawdling around in my office, so this was one big step. I first started writing his story on a manual typewriter with carbon copies for my file. The second...

Why I Love BlogWorld

Writing is hard work. If we bloggers aren’t careful, we might be fooled into thinking otherwise. I’ve been writing for nearly thirty years, and the stack of rejection slips in my file drawer is much thicker than the stack of deposit slips from my bank. I waited a long...

Musings on Mud

It rained on Saturday. Actually, the rain started Friday night, and it turned our lovely, thirty-acre picnic field into a soppy, soupy mess. We workers arrived early, half expecting the day would be called due to rain. But the cowboys were already saddling their...

Still Proud to be an American

I’ll be watching fireworks on Saturday night and ooohing and ahhhing with the best of them. And, deep inside I’ll be thanking God that the bombs bursting in air are make-believe. Independence Day reminds me of the people who have made real sacrifices so I...