Something Worth Dying For

Our granddaughter, Elena, attends kindergarten in a school dedicated to building character. The entryway is a small rotunda with words like faithfulness, honesty, and integrity circling the dome. It is impressive. She came home from school last week explaining this...

The Happy Dance

These are not my feet. But, if I could dance like my daughter-in-law Rochelle (the real owner of these elegant feet) I’d have done a few pirouettes and twirls yesterday. Instead, I did a reasonable facsimile of an end-zone happy dance, minus the spiking of the...

A Mercy Moment

I love this photo because it captures one of those perfect moments in life. It happened almost exactly four years ago, and I’ve been remiss in not marking it until today. Every birth is a miracle, but Jake’s carried a special poignancy. Those of you who...

Hushai the Arkite

Occasionally, I wonder if what I’m doing in life is too small to matter. Next year I will qualify for the senior citizen’s discount at my favorite eatery, and this makes me consider what I’ve done with my fifty-some years. Such inventories can be...

Eagles on the Lake

We have four eagles visiting the lake outside our office window nearly every day right now. The first sighting pulled us away from our desks and brought great oooohs and ahhhhs of appreciation. People were stopping on the roadway to stare. By the second or third week,...