Here is a confession: I am 54 years old, and until this week I had never traveled more than three hours away from home on my own. In this era when business women fly from coast to coast every week, I realize that is unusual. So, I felt like flying to Denver on my own was something I needed to do. Everybody told me I could do it, but I needed to prove that to myself.

The trip was amazing. I made my way through the Kansas City airport, did not die on take-off, enjoyed every moment of the writing conference, and found my way back through the maze to my departing gate in Denver. Then the trouble started. A snowstorm delayed take-off by nearly an hour. And, when we landed in Kansas City, the weather was worse. I got in-flight messages from my husband and children telling me to stay put and not try to make the three hour drive home.

I had anticipated this problem. After all, I am traveling in the Midwest in February!! I had packed for the possibility of spending an extra night in Kansas City. I had not anticipated the long-term parking lot. I’d planned to pay the premium price to park in the covered lot near the terminal. I had not counted on it being full.

So, I found myself Sunday evening standing in the remote parking lot, after dark, digging my car out of a snow drift with an ice scraper. And, I succeeded. Unfortunately, I had no idea where I was when I finally wound my way out of the lot. I looked at all the road signs, and none of them said, “This way home.” I couldn’t even tell what direction I was facing.

But, I felt completely calm. Which is not my normal behavior in such settings. I just took a deep breath and said, “Okay, Lord. I’m going to turn right, because I can’t really see the road anyway, and that seems easiest. I’m going to take the first exit with a hotel and figure out where I am in the morning.”

And off we went. Me, the Holy Spirit, and what must have been an entire squadron of angels. Because within a few minutes I was pulling into the parking lot of the Holiday Inn Express I had originally hoped to find! I could have kissed the ground. Except it was covered with several inches of ice and snow.

I’m not sure when the roads are going to clear enough for me to go home. But I’m not worried about that either. The same traveling mercies that brought me here will take me there. Amen.