I can’t imagine being Hannah in the Old Testament and giving my first-born and only son away to God. I mean, really giving. Not just standing at the altar one Sunday while the pastor prays and agreeing that we will “raise this child in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord.”

She actually took the boy by the hand (He may have been as much as four years old) and walked him down the rocky hills from Ramah all the way to the Tent of Meeting in Shiloh. And then she left him there. With Eli. And his corrupt, despicable, none-too-priestly sons.

I have given our children back to God sometimes in ways that felt almost that real. Releasing them to dreams that would take them far away. Watching while they walked through fires I could not quench. Believing for His best even when death was on the line.

Sometimes, as a mother, there is nothing left to do but make our child a little coat each year to demonstrate our love. The rest we have to leave with God.

And, God always comes through.

Samuel grew up to become a great prophet in the land. He anointed the future King David and set the country on a path for peace. Hannah went on to have other children, and the family celebrated with Samuel every year.

And, then, God plopped this little dollop of mercy on top of the whole lovely thing. The Bible says when Samuel became a great man of God, influencing an entire nation, he made his home in Ramah — the city where his mother lived.

I’m not expecting God to bring our distant children back to Missouri. They are doing perfectly fine right where they are. And, I’m not even expecting him to shield our family from any more trials by fire. Those are sure to come.

I am expecting Him to walk with us through the trouble, though. To heal us when we’re broken, to find us when we’re lost, and to lead us all together to a City someday where no one will ever have to say good-bye. Not ever.