Climbing Mountains (or at least tall hills)

Today, I climbed a mountain. Well, it probably only qualified as a hill. I’m not sure it was ever measured by an Englishman. But, it was a mile-high masterpiece for me. I’m not particularly athletic. (If any of my siblings are reading this, they are now...

The Life of a Disney Princess

So, Felicity graduated from college on Saturday, and this week she became the equivalent of a Disney Princess. Our school has been working for months on a musical based on the Psalty Songbook video series. And, Felicity played Charity Churchmouse. She did an awesome...

What I Didn’t Expect

I expected to feel proud. I didn’t expect to sob when I caught sight of her. We’d already been sitting in the auditorium for an hour (with six small children) when the graduation ceremony began. I was pretty sure the fatigue of the day, the soreness in my...

A Worthy Read

I’ve never done a book review on my blog before, but I couldn’t resist mentioning this one. It was written by my favorite priest. I’m not Catholic, so you might think that gives Father Mike an unfair advantage in the favorite priest contest. But you...