I’ve never done a book review on my blog before, but I couldn’t resist mentioning this one. It was written by my favorite priest. I’m not Catholic, so you might think that gives Father Mike an unfair advantage in the favorite priest contest. But you have to understand he’s up against some pretty tough competition like Bing Crosby in Going My Way, or Father Flanigan of Boy’s Town. And, with all that, Father Mike is still my favorite.

This book is a collection of stories from his ten years in one local parish. I don’t know a single person in the book, yet I know them all. These are stories of faith, of family, of community in the very best sense of the word.

And most of all, these are stories from a shepherd’s heart. To quote another favorite movie line, Fr. Mike has the usin’ kind of religion, not just the meeting house kind.

My family has been the recipient of his love many times through the years. In fact, one summer we found ourselves between homes for a few weeks. All our friends felt terrible about the problem. While they were all talking about what to do, Fr. Mike started airing out the closed up rooms of his rectory. He ordered two new air-conditioning units from the hardware store, and he warned the housekeeper to lay in some extra Diet Coke.

Then he opened the door, waved his long arms, and said, “Come in, come in! Stay with me!!!”

And so we did.

That is why I love this book so much. Because while Fr. Mike set out to describe the wonder of his flock, he revealed the essence of himself. And in that essence, I see Christ.

Not the serene, benevolent, smiling Christ of classical paintings, though. This is Jesus in real-life. Fr. Mike describes prom dresses and basketball games, death-beds and weddings, laughter and tears. In one story, he talks aboutĀ a hospital visitation where he found a grieving father in the hallway. The man said, “I don’t think my little girl is going to make it through the night.”

Father Mike gathered his annointing oils, glared at the door of the sick room and said, “The heck she isn’t.”Ā That four year old is a high school junior now.

If you’d like to read more about Fr. Mike and his friends(and donate to the worthy cause of the parish school) just email me and I’ll send you the address to order your own copy. It’s a worthy read.