I think it started with the new Jane Fonda work-out. I’m no fan of her politics, but her work-out videos had me crunching, stretching, and sweating with a smile for a couple of decades. So, I was excited to discover a new routine.

It was in Arthritis Magazine.

Right after that, I caught a new television add for the trendy sunglasses of my youth. I expected to see the glamorous model strolling down the boardwalk while the voice-over said, “Who is that behind those Foster Grants?”

Instead, the announcer bragged that Foster Grant now offers designer reading glasses. With magnification and head lights!

Then, I came home from the cardiologist where I’d been tested and scanned, (I’m fine.) and I flipped on my laptop. You know those adds that scroll down the side of the screen? They say things like, “Hey, here’s a website where you can buy a sterling bracelet to match that smashing necklace you are wearing today.”

After the cardiologist visit, my top add was from The Scooter Store.

It all seemed like something of a conspiracy there for a while. I felt a bit of despair. But then, this morning, I read this:

The righteous will flourish like the palm tree,
They will grow like cedars in Lebanon.
Planted in the house of the LORD,
They will flourish in the courts of our God.
They will still yield fruit in old age;
They shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:12-14

Oh, yeah! I’m feeling sappy.