I have eaten my words a few times, but this year I shall be wearing them thanks to a sweet Christmas gift from our daughter-of-the-heart, Molly Rose. We started to do a handmade gift exchange this year and then kind of let the idea wane. A few hearty souls stayed with the theme, though, and Molly was among them.

She fashioned this necklace for me. Each charm is made from actual words written on my blog. And not just random words. Each phrase says something about my heritage or my hope or the life I aspire to live. They are words I need to remember. Often.

So, now I can wear them on a day when I have trouble remembering I’m a writer. Or when I need the comfort of my father’s quiet strength or the nudge of my mother’s positive attitude. This is a wonderful way to go into the New Year. Wearing words of inspiration.

If you could wear some words today, what would they be?