It is hard to see the future, even with a great monocular.

I am struck on this New Year’s Day by the fact that we never know what a year (or a moment) may hold. No one dancing at midnight when 1940 became 1941 anticipated bombs falling on Hawaii before they danced again.

Other years have given us a hint of things to come. Our family welcomed 2011 bravely even though we knew it would bring chemo for Serenity. But it also brought us another grandchild, and the return of all our soldiers from Iraq. (No matter what you think of that from a strategic standpoint, it’s great to have them home.)

While I was thinking about this today, I remembered the prophet Jeremiah. He KNEW without a doubt that God was about to exile his people to a foreign land. Death and destruction were much more certain than the financial collapse we think might be on the way. So, what did Jeremiah do? Did he lament and weep. (nope, that came later) Did he crawl in a hole somewhere and hope to survive until the worst was over? Nope. Not that either.

Instead, he bought a field. Right in the middle of the land he knew God would soon destroy, Jeremiah bought a piece of land. He called for witnesses when he signed the deed, and he paid top dollar for the parcel. Then he sealed the deed in a jar and put it away in a safe place. Because He knew the same God who was about to pass out judgment also held a boatload of mercy.He knew Jerusalem would flourish again.

Jeremiah knew the most important secret about new years and new days and next moments. He knew God is in charge. And, we can trust Him.