History Lessons

Writing this blog sometimes seems rather self-centered. Arrogant in fact. What makes me think the world needs to hear my latest, greatest, flash of brilliance? But, then I think about the blogs I read. My favorite ones are about real people living ordinary lives....

Why Kermit Made Me Cry

Confession: The Muppet Movie made me cry. That’s right, the goofy movie starring a green puppet slightly upgraded from a tube sock with googly eyes. If you haven’t seen it, I’ll try to give you spoiler alerts before I reveal the plot twists. (She...

Going On Down the Road

We were in a tornado the other night. Well, it flew over us, evidently, while we were traveling along I-80 in Nebraska. We had been driving six hours in hard wind and a sometimes-blinding sand storm. I was in no mood for disaster weather. In fact, I was aching for the...

Google Gets It Wrong

What is it about my online presence that makes Google Ads think I need a man?! I understand these targeted advertisements:”Become a Bestselling Author Today for Free!” or “Visit Omaha, Nebraska, the Vacation Capital of the World!” Or, even:...