Let Us Pray

I tried to count how many times I’ve heard that phrase in my lifetime, but I got lost trying to cover this year. We make this statement at the end of church services, weddings, funerals, and graduations from Christians schools. We use it to quiet the family...

Neatly Folded

Recently, I took a vacation day to clean our closet. This may seem like an extravagant use of a vacation day, but it has yielded great rewards. Our closet is the first thing I see in the mornings when I stumble from our bed to put on my work-out clothes. See is a...

Life to My Days

This week, I heard an add for a localĀ  Hospice program: Adding life to days when adding days to life isn’t possible. Isn’t that beautiful? Unfortunately, it is flawed. Adding days to life is never possible. The only person who ever tried it came to a very...

Sometimes We See Eagles

I saw an eagle on the lake today. It’s one of the perks of living Forty-Five minutes from Anywhere. We may not have a Starbucks, but sometimes we see eagles. It had been a tough day around here. Our intentional community in the middle of a cornfield is all about...

Pleasant Places

The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places… Psalm 16:6. King David wrote those words, but we don’t know when. Maybe when he was a shepherd boy fighting lions and bears or when he was composing worship songs on his harp. Maybe when he was a...