The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places… Psalm 16:6.

King David wrote those words, but we don’t know when. Maybe when he was a shepherd boy fighting lions and bears or when he was composing worship songs on his harp.

Maybe when he was a fugitive living in a cave or when he was pretending to be a double agent working for the Philistines. Or, maybe, he wrote this verse when he was living in Hebron surrounded by wives and children and stepping into his call. Maybe in Jerusalem, when all the people had crowned him king and worship had exploded in his city.

The thing is, he could have written these words at any time or any place. Because the words before it say, “Lord, You are my portion and my cup.” David didn’t get to pick a city and choose a career path. He didn’t make a pro’s and con’s list for which college to attend. David just chose God. After that, anywhere the boundary lines fell for him was pleasant.

I’m pretty sure there’s a lesson here…