When my grandfather prayed in public, he often asked God to, “Reconcile us to the changing scenes of this life.” He wasn’t a movie buff. He didn’t even watch much television. But he understood that life is a story unfolding all around us. And, the scenes must frequently change.

In the past three weeks, our church community has celebrated kindergarten, high school, and college graduations. This coming weekend, members of our extended family  will go in three different directions. Some will celebrate a wedding, others will applaud a fiftieth wedding anniversary, and others will mourn at a funeral.

Those are the big scene-changers. But the smaller ones add up, too. The scenes in our story shift all the time, always moving us forward like a well-developed plot toward the culmination of all things. And, if things work out right, a happy ending, of course.

Like my grandfather, I want to be fully reconciled to these changes. I don’t want to dash onto the stage, grab the scenery from yesterday, and try to drag it back into place. I want to be gracious and optimistic and brave.

I want to be reconciled. No matter how the scenes may change. And I’m trusting the Author to help me with that.