So, I’m headed to Omaha this weekend where our daughter, Charity Long, is doing a debut concert for her new EP, Love More Perfect. How many words in that sentence are the things dreams are made of? Charity has been singing as long as we can remember, of course. When she was four, she used to stand in a little tree in our front yard and sing original works.

She sang in school productions and traveling youth groups. She sang in church services and a festival now and then. She auditioned for American Idol, and she once sang before thousands of people with Danilo Montero in Equador.

But this. This is different.

This weekend is Charity and her husband, Ryan, taking a step of faith. They have rented a stage (an entire park, in fact) in the middle of their city. They’ve booked a band and cut the EP’s. And Friday night they will stand up together in Omaha and sing.

Who knows what God will do with that?

Who knows what He will do with any of us who take a step of faith and put ourselves out there for the world to see. I know this: it is easier to stay in the tree.

And, I’m glad she didn’t.