IMG_1358When I was a teenager, one of my friends died in a train wreck. I still remember the way my mother woke me that morning. She kissed me and said, “Well, we are going to have to hold onto our faith again…” Then she told me.

I didn’t really have much of a faith yet. Only the small kind that could repeat the 23rd Psalm and feel warm all over when we sang “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.” It was the kind of faith that could hold me through a hard time mostly because I saw it holding my mother.

But, eventually, mine grew. It got some exercise through the years. That is what it takes to grow a faith that can face the worst thing you could possibly imagine. I thought I had faced that at the death of our granddaughter. Then I thought I faced it with my husband’s drug addiction. And then I thought I faced it when one ofย our beautiful daughter‘s had cancer. Twice.

But now, Serenity needs surgery again. It may be nothing. Or it may be more cancer. And, I find that we are all holding onto faith again. I think for our whole family faith has grown beyond the thing you hold onto in a hard time. It has become the thing you live with every day. Whether the news is good or bad. Faith is the essence of who we are, and it boils down to a few simple things.

We believe that God is.

And that He is good.

And that lots of this earth-stuff will never make sense till we see it through a Heavenly translation.

Until then, we celebrate every day. And, we hold onto our faith. Again.