

Someone once described to me how it feels to be in-between two stages of life. He said it was like being the water as it is poured from one glass to another. In slow motion.

Some of the in-betweens of my life have been agony. Eight hours waiting to see if our tiny granddaughters would survive their premature birth. (Claire lived. Ellery slipped through a portal to Glory.)


Eight months, waiting for another pregnant daughter to deliver so she could get treatment for a rare, aggressive cancer. (She and baby Jake both survived and thrived.)

Other seasons have been more subtle and contemplative. More obvious in their purpose and shaping. Like the years between “I want to be a writer” and “my book is coming out in October!!”

Author Jeff Goins understands about the In-Between seasons of life. And he has written a great book telling us how we can embrace the tension between Now and the Next Big Thing.

I often buy books like this on my Kindle. They take up less shelf space that way. But I ordered this book in paper and ink. Some things should just be held in the hand and experienced with all our senses. That is how I fell about The In-Between.

I want to touch it. I want to know it. I want to get it. Deep down and forever.

How about you?