Dreams are expensive.

Dancing dreams cost shoes. And bloody toes.

Painting dreams cost trips to Paris. Or at least an easel and a brush.

The dream of being a mechanic costs hours in school, and the dream of being a farmer basically costs your life.

This week I am investing time, money, and a bit of myself at a writer’s conference in Kansas City. Like all investments, this one will require some sacrifice on my part. But it will pay off in huge benefits. I never come away from this conference without being energized and inspired. And, because the conference is always filled with the power of God, I come home feeling closer to Him.

Of course, two years ago I came home from this conference with the name of a publishing house I wanted to contact. This year they published my book.

So, here is my encouragement to you, Dear Reader: Invest in your dream this year. Buy toe shoes. Splash some paint. Take a course or read a book. And, best of all, find some people who share your dream and hang out with them.

Friendship is the best dividend of all.