Photo on 2013-12-04 at 10.39I’ve read several articles lately on the facade of social media. Authors are complaining that tweets and posts and pins sound more like the typical Christmas newsletter than life-as-we-know-it. People post things like: Can’t decide between Cancun and Bermuda for Spring Break. Or this: My husband just brought me breakfast in bed along with a gift certificate for a massage to celebrate the fifth anniversary of our first date.


I get this complaint. In fact, I played along this week with Real Simple Magazine during their Get Real on the Internet challenge. People actually posted pictures of their messy house and their failed recipes. We admitted things like bad hair days and forgetting-to-feed-the-kids-breakfast.

But, honestly, I have some complaints on this side of the balance scale, too. Nothing irritates me more than a social media sour puss. You know the one. She complains about everything. The weather. Her paycheck. The neighbors. Her job. How tired she is. Her homework load. It goes on and on. I especially dislike these posts when they come from someone who claims to be living the Life More Abundant as a follower of Jesus.

So, I’m thinking there is room in our culture for a happy balance on Social Media. Maybe we can find a way to tell the truth without being whiners. A way to share our universal trials without falling into a global funk.

What do you think?