
I am intrigued by the One Word movement. The basic concept is this: rather than making a New Year’s resolution, choose one word to represent your goals and hopes for the year. Last year, my word was Leap. And, I did.

I leaped into marketing my first novel. I leaped into more speaking engagements.I leaped into deeper relationships with God and with people. I leaped into some business decisions at work.

Sometimes the leap felt cliff-sized. Other times it was more like puddle-jumping. But each time I leaped, I found wonderful things on the other side.

This year, I’ve chosen Focus.

My husband and I have been counting up years lately, and we realize we don’t have any extra decades to spare. At this point in life, we need to make each day and each decision really count. (I know. We all need to do that. But it gets more real when the decades add up.)

So, I’m going to focus.
On specific relationships. On targeted projects. On living life well.

Here is my plan from the various dictionary definitions of the word Focus: I’m trusting in the convergence of light and I’m looking for a distinct and clearly defined image once I concentrate.

But what I want most out of this word relates to its original meaning in Latin. Focus was a word for a hearth or a fireplace. A place where combustion occurred.

Oh, yeah. I want that!