red shoesAs you know if you read this blog, Serenity and I made several trips to Kansas City for her radiation treatments this month. (Pesky cancer!) The trip took about ten hours each time, so we had lots of time to talk and solve all the problems of the world. (You are welcome.)

One afternoon, we drove down 119th Street looking for our favorite lunch spot. The parking lot had been so crowded the week before that we circled it three times looking for an empty spot. Finally, we gave up and hulked like a Titanium vulture behind a car that appeared to be making exit plans. Even then, it was a cold and windy walk from our captured parking spot to the warmth of the vestibule.

On this trip, though, we pulled into the lot and drove straight into a dandy spot just across from the front door. Really, you would have thought one of us had won an Oscar we were so thrilled.

We grinned and congratulated one another, and then I shook my head. “It doesn’t take much to make us happy.”

My beautiful, brave, winning-over-cancer-one-more-time daughter smiled back and said, “Well, it’s a good thing it doesn’t!”

So, here is hoping you find that same attitude today. May you be blessed with the perfect party shoes. Or matching socks in the dryer. Or a two-year old who actually uses the potty. Whatever your little thing is today, may it bless your soul and remind you of the One who handles all things great and small.