
We get pretty caught up with numbers in our lives. Dollars in the bank. Pounds on the scale. Followers on Twitter. It can be overwhelming.

So I looked to see what the Bible says about the numbers game. The scriptures do mention numbers. 3000 people added to the church in one day. 4000 men fed on five loaves and a few fishes. But, mostly, the Bible talks about one person at a time. A widow. A fisherman. A blind man. A rich, young ruler. Even when Jesus healed ten lepers, the event focused on just one. (The one who came back and said thanks.)

For a writer, the temptation is to play the numbers game in sales, reviews, and likes on our Facebook page. When someone asks, “So, how is your book doing?” We know they mean “how is it doing in the numbers game?” Because that is the easiest measurement to understand.

The truth is, I don’t know how my book is doing in that game. But in lots of other ways, I know it is doing quite well. A life impacted. A prayer life inspired. Hope for change. Plans for a future.

When I hear those reports, I know my book is winning. Maybe not awards or spots on a best-seller list. But in the ways that matter most.

I hope you aren’t trapped in the numbers game in your own life. If you are, kick that scorecard out the door. Look for the measurement that matters, instead.

And tell us about it.