IMG_0363The morning after Easter always feels so fresh to me. I love Easter Sunday, of course. Especially yesterday when I got to sing in the church choir! I am not a singer. I gave birth to four children who have amazing talent, but they got it from their father. Yesterday, I stepped into the bathroom just as someone was recruiting warm bodies to fill suddenly empty spots in our small choir.

Since I do love to worship, I agreed to go on stage. And it was a blast!!! I kept forgetting that I wanted to just blend into the background and add a visual to the experience. Instead, I kept getting carried away and singing my heart out. I almost giggled at one point when I glanced over and saw a couple of my favorite musicians just feet away.  “Yeah, I’m with the band.”

So, Easter rocked this year. Literally. But this is the morning in history when the world really changed. The morning after. The day when Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, and all the others looked around and said, “The world will never be the same. Death has lost. Evil has been defeated.”

On this Monday after Easter, when we are marking the anniversary of the terrible tragedy in Boston, I am especially aware what a difference Easter has made. We may not see its full effects until Jesus comes again, but we stand upon the promise today. We hold onto the reality. We know the secret that the disciples learned centuries ago. We win.