Misty Bridge

Yesterday, we spent a couple of hours with people from several streams of relationship in our lives. The occasion was a memorial service, which was very sad on this side of eternity. But the reunion with all those folks was wonderful.

The interesting thing is that we have all walked through some pretty emotional issues with one another in the last dozen years. Unfortunately, life in the church-world can get messy, since it is populated by humans. And we were a group of messy people.

The issues are not all resolved. The differences are still real and possibly growing. But some of us have decided we don’t care. One of my friends and I decided several years ago that we were going to keep loving one another no matter what. Even if our choices, our decisions, and our lifestyles seemed to go in completely opposite directions – We. Will. Love.

That was in the room yesterday. When faced with death and eternity, some things just don’t matter any more.

Of course, some things do matter. I can love someone whose life is being destroyed by bad decisions. But I don’t have to pretend I think it’s a fine idea. I hope some of those conversations come out of yesterday’s reunion. Because that is love, too.