Have you ever noticed a pair of horses standing head-to-tail in a summer pasture? They will stand that way for hours, each using their long tail to swish flies from the other’s face. It is an elegant duet. And this summer it has often reminded me how dependent we are on one another for such mercies.

Sometimes, I simply cannot swat the buzzing flies from my own face. The little worries. The nagging thoughts. The nasty what-ifs. But someone else can come along with one gentle swipe, and they are gone.

It might be a prayer.

Or a picture on Facebook.

Or an encouraging word.

It might be a snippet of song. Or something silly that brings a laugh, something sweet that brings a tear, or something delicious that brings a sigh.

Any number of things can chase the flies from my face, so to speak.

Lately, my mother has been closing her emails to the extended family group with something of a benediction. After listening to our busy lives and our various struggles, she tells us to be sure and “take care of each other.”

I think she means that same thing. It’s as if she is stopping us in our mad rush of work and ball games and passions and dreams and technology and education and reminding us what’s important in life.

It’s still people, of course. Relationships with people and relationship with God. Those are the only things that last forever.

I’d like to put out a challenge to all of us this week. I think it is easy to find a worthwhile cause or to befriend a struggling coworker. But, this week, let’s take care of the real one-anothers in our lives. Our spouses, our children, our siblings, our parents. Let’s look for ways to make life a little easier for someone we actually share space with every day.

Let’s take care of Each Other.