Happy Extra Day

I have been guilty of asking for extra hours in a day sometimes. We do have precedence for that. God stop the sun once. But, of course, that had something to do with a battle, and the enemies of God, and a hero who had bigger issues than a crowded to-do list. But...

Waking up is Hard to Do

  When something hard is happening in life (and, really, something usually is) I find that moment between sleeping and waking to be the hardest one of all. I know Tinker Bell told Peter Pan in the movie Hook that it was a dreamy place, and he could always find...

We Were Young Once

  On our first Valentine’s Day together, my future-husband, Wendell, and I were eighteen and nineteen years old. We had been dating five months. And, we had been engaged since November. Thus, the foolish part. I blame Viet Nam. I tell people often that in...

Going for the Gold

I read recently about a famous neurologist who became fascinated by the periodic table at a young age. He started correlating his birthdays with it. At the age of eleven he could say he was sodium, and at 79 he became gold. I love that. I’ve always believed we...