A Perfector of My Faith

  I was nineteen years old when our first baby was born. It was the Thursday before Easter, and this weekend is the anniversary of that marvelous event. (Happy Birthday, Felicity.) As you can imagine, I was about as mature as most teenagers at that stage. Much...

In Praise of Easter Bonnets

  I realize picking out Easter clothes is a first world privilege. I know the socially conscious among us would prefer we all be under a bridge on Easter morning feeding the poor instead of parading around the church building in our finery. And the devout among...

Somebody Has to Make Breakfast

  It is Book Release Week at our house. In my make-believe-world, that means I float about town in gracious author-mode doing only book-related things all day. In reality, I still have to do the laundry. I sat down with my long-suffering husband a few days ago...