Immigrants getting the job done! These Bible College students from five different nations pulled together for a local performance of The King’s Tapestry recently.It wasn’t Broadway, but it was magnificent.



Today is Presidents Day in the U.S., so I’ve been thinking about George Washington and Abe Lincoln and other men who have shaped our nation, culture, and history. It is a pretty small club. Our little, baby nation has only had 45 presidents. That isn’t many in the whole scope of human history. And, I’m wondering if we might be taking ourselves just a tad bit too seriously right now.

Please don’t get me wrong. I know we are in real trouble as a nation. I know some of us are truly heartbroken about our current leadership. Some of us are scared. I know this is an explosive issue.

But, I also know we are in a tiny slice of history, and much bigger things are at play.

All day long – no, for months, actually – I’ve been hearing the lyrics in my head from King George’s song in the Broadway musical Hamilton. It’s a trippy, little melody that says, “Oceans rise and empires fall, we have seen each other through it all.” Now, disclaimer: Lin-Manuel Miranda wasn’t writing a theological treatise here. I think he was rather genius in his work, but this is Hip-Hop music. The language is street-tough, and some of my readers would cringe to listen. And yet, these words immediately make me think of some other lines:

“It is God alone who judges; it is He who decides who will rise and who will fall”. Psalm 75 NLT

Please, don’t throw your coffee cup at the computer screen, Dear Reader. I’m not making a political statement about the Oval Office or your state’s governor’s mansion or your nation’s despot. I’m making a statement of faith about our destiny.

God decides.

It may not look that way right now. To you, it may look like the evil Empire is winning and Darth Vader has us by the throat. But, I promise you this: Oceans rise, and empires fall. Things change. Here in the States, we have only been around for two-hundred and forty-some years. That isn’t very long in the grand scheme of things. God sometimes took twice that long just to set up the guy He had in mind to get a single job done.

So, let’s be patient. Let’s be kind. Let’s be determined to see one another through it all, no matter what that takes.

Happy Presidents Day.