Just Do the Next Thing

I’ve been trying to write this blog post all morning, but four baby squirrels are playing tag outside my window. I had to watch them. Then I had to research squirrel family interactions. Afterwards, I had to plot out a few points for the children’s book I...

What We Will Keep

  In the Book of Psalms, some phrases are followed by the word, “Selah.” Although the exact meaning of the word has been lost, most scholars think it indicates a pause, like a rest in a musical score. It would seem that much of our world is tasting a...

Why I Watch the Royals

I love to watch the royals. Not the Kansa City version. Though I am partial to this book about the night the world turned Royal Blue. Rather, I watch the royals from Buckingham Palace. The Queen and all her clan. It started when I discovered an Instagram account of a...

How Do I Learn to Write?

Welcome to The Wednesday Writer edition of my blog. I’ll attempt to answer some of the questions readers ask about the writing process in general and writing for publication, specifically.  I might own a pair of scissors, and I might like to snip away at things,...

Why I Write

Welcome to Writer Wednesday.   One of the basic questions professionals like to ask newbies is this: So, why do you write? The answers are as unique as the folks replying. But, here are three of the most common reasons. I write because I want to be rich. Nobody...

So, You Want to be a Writer

Welcome to a new column featured on my blog. The Wednesday Writer answers some of the questions readers ask about the writing process in general and writing for publication, specifically.    The first time I walked into a bookstore to buy a Writers’ Market,...