The Holiday Trilogy

I’m quoting Glenn Beck now. Well, paraphrasing actually. He made an observation on his holiday show that struck Wendell and I as particularly profound. He said he views the holiday season as a trilogy. It starts with Thanksgiving, when we bend our knee to God in...

Life in High Def

We watched It’s a Wonderful Life this year in HD. I’ve savored this classic every Christmas season for more than twenty years. In fact, some years I have watched it more than once. But, this year I was astounded. Did you know the family dog is wagging his...

And to All a Goodnight

My mother started this tradition in our family. I’m pretty sure I was in high school before I figured out the one gift we were allowed to open on Christmas Eve would always be new pajamas. I think that is also the first year my Christmas jammies came from J.C....

You Should See My Toes

As Mr. John Brooke tells his young student in Little Women, “Over the mysteries of female life there is drawn a veil, best left undisturbed.” I shall only raise the shade a fraction when I tell you I’ve just spent a holiday at the spa thanks to the...

Playing My Drum for Him

Last night was the annual elementary Christmas program at our school. I had multiple reasons to get there early and be in the front row. Several of our grandchildren were starring in the production. And, one of the teachers responsible for the whole thing was our...