If I live to be 110, I am officially half-way there. And, so far, it has been a fantastic trip. Long sections of my road have meandered through green valleys of good stuff. Other parts have involved hairpin curves and steep inclines where I had to shift into low gear, grip the steering wheel, and give it a little more gas.
The view at the top has always been worth the effort, though.
I’m not sure how treacherous the road ahead may be. Lions, tigers, and bears may be lurking around a corner somewhere. But, I’m trusting God for safe passage. For plenty of fuel in my tank. And for lots more historic landmarks along the way.
It’s been a good trip so far. And I’m probably more than half-way there. Happy Birthday to me.
Hope you had a happy day!
I say go for 120! You need great-great-great-grandkids to spoil!!