Serenity Beth is celebrating another birthday this week. If you’ve been walking this road with us, you know we don’t take such things lightly around here. Beating cancer will do that for you. And she has beaten it twice!

During the first bout, when she endured a day of scanning, poking, and prodding, I held her newborn son and prayed. And cried. Then, someone spoke the most wonderful words. The doctor was warning Serenity that the upcoming radiation could have minor side effects. He said, “You know, you might have a little arthritis in that shoulder … when you’re sixty-five.”


You are going to live to get old and decrepit just like the rest of us! What a wonderful, wonderful thought.

So, here is to another birthday on the way to sixty-five or eighty-five or one-hundred-and-five.

Let’s make them all count.