Recently, I took a vacation day to clean our closet. This may seem like an extravagant use of a vacation day, but it has yielded great rewards. Our closet is the first thing I see in the mornings when I stumble from our bed to put on my work-out clothes. See is a relative term, since my eyes are not fully open most days. And, work-out clothes should more appropriately be called slow-stroll-on-the-treadmill-with-a-Hallmark-movie clothes. But, I digress from the closet.
This morning when I stepped inside, I smiled. Instead of a jumbled mess, I saw order. Sweaters actually folded on shelves. Shoes actually tucked into cubbies. I didn’t trip over a single thing in my stupor!
A few minutes later, I settled into my prayer chair. Which might be more appropriately labeled my whining chair, or my list-recitation prayer, or my can’t-keep-my-eyes-open-today chair — depending on the morning. No matter what frame of mind I carry with me to that chair, I find it serves the same purpose as my vacation day. Maybe I should call it my Sorting Chair. Because this is often the place where the Holy Spirit takes the chaos of my messy life and sorts it into neat stacks of Keep, Clean-up, or Throw Away.
I always come out of the experience neater. Just like my closet. Now, if I can keep us both that way with some daily maintenance!
Love it, Kathy- can soo relate! Thank you.
Yes, yes, yes. You’ve read the sentence in Peter Pan right? About how the mother does this for her children at night? Such sweetness. I simply love that picture of sorting our thoughts out with God – keep, clean-up, or THROW AWAY. 🙂
Serenity, I almost quoted that line in this blog. I love it so much!
Very true. Hits too close to home. 🙂
Kathy you are such a blessing. The giftings God has given you is so so special. Thank you Lord for sharing Kathy with me–love you
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