If any Israelites have not been bought back by the time the Year of Jubilee arrives, they and their children must be set free at that time. Leviticus 25:54
The Fourth of July always reminds me of the Year of Jubilee in the Old Testament. Every fifty years, all the people of God came together and declared all debts forgiven and all slaves set free. Can you imagine the party they threw?
You and I can live in that freedom every day, of course. All we have to do is be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus. I think maybe there should be a parade for that.
This year, when you light a firecracker or watch the bombs bursting in air, why not declare your own Year of Jubilee? Get right with God. Then, forgive someone who is in your debt. Set them free from any expectations on your part. Forgive them for any wrongs.
Then go march around your house and shout if you want to. It feels good to be free.