My kind, thoughtful husband told our friends recently that he was worried about me because I hadn’t even put up our Christmas tree this year.
The tree has been lit for two weeks.

In fairness, here are some things to consider:
1. He doesn’t care a great deal about decorating, but he cares a bunch about me, and he knows how I love the sparkle.
2. Our life is in a major transition, and small details like Christmas are actually in danger of being ignored. Overshadowed by where we shall live and work in our next season.
3. Days are a bit draining as we prepare to close the clinic we’ve loved for sixteen years. We are both tired and distracted when we get home at night.
All that considered, here is the funniest part: I plopped down on my favorite side of the sofa the next night and pointed at the little tree glowing from a corner of the dining room. “How could you miss that pretty sight?” I asked.
My patient husband raised an eyebrow, looked toward the dining room from his vantage point and said, “I can’t see a thing.”
Sure enough. The tree is completely blocked from his line of sight. I felt like a jerk for making fun of him. And, a few mornings later, I added lights to a small tree in the living room right in front of his spot.
I tell you this story, Dear Reader, because I want you to remember what matters. Every year, when I put up even the tiniest tree with twinkling lights, I feel like I’m fighting back the darkness of life just a smidgen. I’m declaring to the world that the Light has come and that He is coming again. My faithful husband understands this. He was fighting for me.
So, light your tree. Hold onto Hope. Snuggle the ones you love. And spread the great news of Peace on earth, Goodwill to men. Hallelujah.
So true. Makes me stop and breathe deep.