Right now, every decision in our lives is based on weighing the risk factor. We are all tired of isolation, of illness, of bad news and deadly predictions. We just want it to be over! Yet, the virus remains.
Recently, I made what we considered an essential trip out of state to help with a newborn grandchild. I knew the trip would mean risk. I packed my own lunch and made very brief stops at public restrooms. I wore a mask while I was inside the building. I washed my hands in the bathroom and sanitized when I got back to the car.
Even with all the best precautions, I knew that I would need to spend two weeks mostly isolated when I came home. I don’t want to be that person who brings Covid-19 into our mostly unscathed county. My only trips out have been to get groceries. I wore my mask, and I didn’t linger.
I think the isolation is harder now since I took that one-week reprieve with PEOPLE. Real people. The kind who are around the house with you all day long. What a treat. (My husband is my favorite real person, even above grandchild #16, but he is kinda busy these days.)
So, I’m once again facing long days of my own company. Lots of conversations inside my own head, which isn’t always healthy. This morning, I went to my quiet place in the corner of the living room. I could feel the darkness slithering around me, and I started searching for anything that would bring me toward the Light.
And, I found it. This video our church worship team made early in the isolation days. What a great reminder that we are never alone even when we are apart. That the Church is not a building. That God’s Word is rich, and real, and true. And, that we have a bunch of really great friends in our lives. I pray this encourages you, too.
This is my night light song. It helps me see that I am safe. Thanks for putting it up.
Ah, yes. I need to listen to it more often. Lifegate has a beautiful version, too, that happens to feature one of our favorite singers 🙂