Clocks will change this weekend across most of the United States and large parts of the world. We have inherited this problem from a couple of world wars, but it was suggested way back in ancient days. We humans. Always trying to control natural laws and stuff. Anyhoo, we are stuck with it for now. Various legislators have taken a stab at some kind of year-round Routine Time, but none of those efforts have prevailed.

So, we spring forward at 2:00 am on Sunday, March 10th. Here are three ways to survive the change: (You know you aren’t going to bed earlier on Saturday night to make up that lost hour.)

• Accept that it will take two weeks to feel normal again. You will be tired. Your children will be tired. Your boss, teacher, spouse, neighbor, bff, and the garbage man will all be tired. This could result in the whole world being cranky for two weeks. Resist the urge to respond in kind.

• Cancel evening events. See #1. Bedtimes are going to be H.A.R.D. Many of us will act like toddlers and want to stay up later because our rhythms are out of whack. Then we can’t wake up easily so we drink too much coffee and eat too much sugar and feel worse. Plan to stick with a normal bedtime routine as many nights as possible.

• Embrace the hope of Spring. Buy flowers, make lemonade, splash some color around the house or in your cubicle. Remind yourself (and your kiddos) that change can have positive results. Then, take a nap.

Bonus point: If you can take the first Monday of Daylight Savings Time off work as a vacation day, do it!!!