Three Pieces of Advice

No one has asked me to give a commencement address. If they did, I think I’d say three (very short) things. Here is my best advice to the graduates of 2024 – and all the rest of us. It is ancient wisdom originally written by a Jewish prophet named Micah...

A Song I Can’t Sing Right Now

There are some songs I can’t sing right now. You probably understand. I thought it would be the hymns at my mother’s funeral. When the time came to sing with my siblings and our children and our children’s children, I thought I would ugly cry. I...

Dolly Sings Easter

I share this every year because I love the way Dolly sings the Easter story from the perspective of Peter, a friend of Jesus. We could all tremble in the darkness of our separation from God. Thank goodness, “He’s alive and I’m forgiven....

Happy Pi (Pie) Day

Today is a holiday devoted to math. I’m not a fan. But I’m a huge fan of P.I.E.  March 14th is significant in the life of Pi (see what I did there, movie buffs?). It is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. If you want to learn more, check this link:...

Three Ways to Survive Springing Forward

Clocks will change this weekend across most of the United States and large parts of the world. We have inherited this problem from a couple of world wars, but it was suggested way back in ancient days. We humans. Always trying to control natural laws and stuff....