A Cure for Homesickness

A Cure for Homesickness

Flashback to one of my favorite pictures of home. circa 1984 I can still see the bare lightbulb hanging in the narrow staircase of my great-aunt Bertha’s house the first time I experienced homesickness. I can feel the softness of her lap as she pulled me close...

Take Care of Each Other

“You all take care of each other”. That is how my sweet mother signs off on family emails any time life is tough for someone in our clan. Which is fairly often when you count all forty-some of us. It might be as serious as cancer, or it might be as simple...

Merry Christmas from Our House

In case you aren’t celebrating near a grandmother of your own this year, I’m reposting a little video of my rendition of The Christmas Story. (The real one. Not the one with the lamp.) Merry Christmas to you and...

A Funny Thing Happened on the way to Christmas

My kind, thoughtful husband told our friends recently that he was worried about me because I hadn’t even put up our Christmas tree this year. The tree has been lit for two weeks. In fairness, here are some things to consider: 1. He doesn’t care a great...

A Christmas Tag Line You May Have Missed

So many famous phrases come from the original Christmas Story in the Bible. You can probably quote lots of them. One of my favorites, though, doesn’t show up on the traditional Christmas card. It happened a year or so before Jesus was born. We don’t know...