Why We Can’t Walk it Off

I had this post scheduled long before another famous person died as a result of his battle with mental illness. My heart goes out to all the family and friends, and I pray they each find peace and hope eventually. Neither the fashion world nor Hollywood are my spheres...

Wednesday Writer: Moving into Magazines

  Welcome to this edition of Wednesday Writer. If you have been following this series, you know we’ve talked about starting small as a writer and learning the craft through books, magazines, courses, conferences, critique groups, and mentors. Today,...

Sometimes, We Stop

My editorial calendar had a blog post scheduled for today. But, I couldn’t do it. A dear friend has gone home to Glory this week. Reward for him, sorrow for us. And, I could not bring myself to write about anything else. (I know my last blog post was a memorial....

How 300 Words a Day Becomes a Book

  Hello from the Wednesday Writer. Three hundred words. That is the challenge I set when I decided to actually write one of the stories in my head. If I wrote five days a week, I could have a rough draft done in less than a year. Every morning, I sat at my desk...

When Kindness came to Rascal Flats

    I wasn’t expecting a fairy godmother that afternoon. So I almost ignored the knock at my front door. I hadn’t wished on a star, rubbed a magic lamp, or even whispered a desperate prayer. I’d simply left work early and collapsed on our sofa. The knock...