A Mercy Moment

I love this photo because it captures one of those perfect moments in life. It happened almost exactly four years ago, and I’ve been remiss in not marking it until today. Every birth is a miracle, but Jake’s carried a special poignancy. Those of you who...

Once Upon a Time

Once there was a woman who had two granddaughters. They were identical in every way. Even before they were born, she loved them exactly the same. Things started going wrong in Week Twenty-Two. The twins were more than three months shy of their target birthday marked...

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Several years ago when Wendell was doing his internship in a distant city, we made a lifetime decision from the opening tune of a television show. It was the eighties, and the show was about a bar. Not that spiritual. Yet, the catchy tune gripped our hearts with...

Beauty for Ashes

September 11th is a sad day in our national memory. A day filled with ashes.It is also a day of great celebration in our family. A day filled with Beauty.Happy Birthday, Elena...