Dear Reader…

Dear Reader, Thank you for stopping by my little blog today. Please pull up a chair, pour yourself a cup of coffe (or glass of Diet Coke with crushed ice and a bendy straw, if you are me), and let’s chat. I’m starting a new adventure, and I’d like to...

Who is Kate Adair?

The short story: She is me. Here is the longer version: In elementary school, when I first learned that Samuel Clemons was Mark Twain, I started thinking about pen names. I thought I should dream one up in case I needed it someday. I didn’t actually settle on...

To Tweet or Not to Tweet

Does tweeting make one a twit, do you suppose? Sometimes I think so. Every week or so I think I’ll just give up on that particular element of social media. I don’t really use it well. I forget to check-in. I rarely enter an actual conversation because...

The Thank You Room

  One of the beautiful things about my family is that we are not afraid to show we take things in by how they pertain to us. Serenity Bohon, The Thank You Room   This quote is so true of us. Which is why I can’t even pretend I wasn’t eager to...

Sounds of Silence

Like most writers, I daydream about a writing retreat where I can create for hours, undisturbed by the mundane cares of daily life. I often think  could complete a true masterpiece if I only had the time. And the silence. And the space. Wrong. I spent all day Friday...

A Lot Like Laundry

Most of the time, I’m a reasonably sane human being. When I go to a writer’s conference, though, I am suddenly reminded of stories from the olden days. Stories about movie starlets being discovered while sipping a malt at the soda shop. I always have this absurd idea...