Enjoying a Better Than I Deserve moment with some grandchildren and our dog

Enjoying a Better Than I Deserve moment with some grandchildren and our dog

Sometimes I wish we still spoke to one another in Jane Austen English. When was the last time a friend met you on the street and inquired into the health of your parents? (Unless your parents are seriously, ill, of course.)

Their conversations were not idle chatter, either. When a gentleman asked about the health of a young woman’s family, he was sincerely looking out for her. People died from a head cold in those days. Or at least from the complications of simple things we treat with a quick round of antibiotics today.

A gentleman might be fine on Tuesday and then be a few hours from the grave by Sunday. So, when they asked about one another’s health, they were actually looking for information of a serious nature. And they really wanted to know the answer. (partly so they could stay away from any house that had disease.)

All that to say, I often look for a better way to answer the standard, “How are you?” of our society — which actually means nothing at all. Few people who ask the question really want to know the answer. If you think they do, just try telling the truth next time someone asks.

My husband, however, has come up with the perfect response. He is acutely aware of mercy in his life these days. So anytime someone asks, “How are you doing, Doc?” he smiles and says, “Much better than I deserve.”