I'm not really tech savvy, but I'm very good at snuggling.

I have used the same computer program at work for nearly six years. In the third year, I discovered I could actually ask the program to print daily charge sheets by appointment time! Before that, I’d shuffle through twenty or thirty alphabetical papers to get them in proper order for the charts.

In the fourth year, I learned I could do the opposite and ask the Payments report to print in alphabetical order! (Extremely important when one is trying to balance the books and figure out which payment one failed to post.)

Disclaimer: I have read the manual. It is not helpful.

Today, though, I marveled again over that simple drop-down window hidden at the bottom of a confusing box of commands. Report Order: By Last Name. And, I wondered how many other features I’m missing. How many other tasks are taking me a zillion times too long because I haven’t learned a simple command?

All this thinking also makes me wonder how much of my entire life is waaaaaaay more complicated than it needs to be. I could probably lower my stress level considerably if I just figured out a few more features in this thing called The Christian Life.I’ve been at it so long I’m embarrassed to admit I don’t have it all figured out. But the thing has layers, I tell ‘ya!

I think I’ll go check The Manual … because it is totally helpful.