Another perfect part of wedding days.

Weddings are so beautiful and so full of hope. Two couples we love were married last weekend in neighboring states. We didn’t make either celebration because we were focusing on some fruit from our own wedding day: grandchildren. But I thought of those couples all day. And I stalked their friends and families on Facebook waiting for the first pictures to be posted. (Thank you, Lori, for the Tweets from Pittsburg!)

One thing I love is The Look between brides and grooms. It is like a secret handshake with the eyes. No matter what goes on in the ceremony, every couple hits that moment when they lock eyes and have a silent conversation. In that look, they exchange vows known only to them. It might only last for a second, but the couple makes a little pact right then: It’s you and me, Baby, forever. (followed by some variation of let’s cut the cake and head for the honeymoon!)

And do you know what I love even more than seeing that look between newlyweds? Seeing it from the other side of our living room. Or over the head of our grandson after the fifth grade football game. Or across the crowd when church lets out. I love the look because it says so much with so little. And thirty-seven years later, it still makes me go weak in the knees.