I’ve been given a rare season of unscheduled time this week. I have a stack of reading material and a long list of things to research. Plus several writing projects, of course. Sounds like Heaven, doesn’t it? But here is the problem: My toothbrush isn’t in the right place.

My friend, Darin, once explained that any little change in your living environment can throw off your groove. He told the college freshman it might take them six weeks to get comfortable with their new dorm room and grow accustomed to finding their toothbrush every morning. I so get that. The older I grow, the deeper my roots of routine.

The first two days of “free” time were not productive in my writing world. (I got tons of baby snuggles and played excellent games of Story Cubes. A Pulitzer really couldn’t compare.) But, I do need to accomplish some goals. So, I’m making a concentrated effort to establish routine, even on vacation. I’d like to be a flexible, free-spirited artist who can write in my pajamas and just go with the flow. Instead, I’ve picked a spot in the guest bathroom for my toothbrush. And I’m keeping it there.

How about you? Rituals and routines? Or go-with-the-flow?