I’m irritated about “Happy Holidays,” but not in the way you might think. I’m all for keeping Christ in Christmas. If we take Him out, we just have mas. And that doesn’t mean anything at all.

But, until our politically-correct society hijacked holiday, it wasn’t a dirty word. It was a beautiful word evoking all things warm and fuzzy in my soul. I often started wishing folks “happy holidays” in mid-October. To me, the holiday season encompassed Halloween costume parties, Thanksgiving feasts, Christmas carols, and New Year’s Eve toasts. It was a full package.

Referring to Christmas as a holiday didn’t take Jesus out of the center for me. Using the word didn’t make me confuse the celebration of Christ’s birth with a day set aside to dress like a princess and demand candy from the neighbors.

But now people use the word holiday for exactly that purpose. They use it to dilute the true Reason for the Season and turn it into something pale and pointless. The word holiday has become the antichrist of Christmas. Which really stinks.

I don’t particularly like to be controversial on this blog. But I have to tell you I’m unhappy about this. I am irritated that one segment of our society can take a perfectly good word and turn it into something I can’t say unless I want to be identified with a cause I don’t believe in. So, I can’t wish you “Happy Holidays” this year anymore than I can feel gay on a perfectly warm spring day.

See what I mean? It stinks.