It has been more than thirty years since I was part of a church where we used song books and sang hymns. Back in the eighties, we decided we were too enlightened for that. It was all overhead projectors and praise choruses complete with clapping, shouting, and the Holy-Ghost-Shuffle. (Okay, I’m over-reacting. We had some great worship services in those days.) But, I regret that we threw out the hymns for so many years.

Although, we never really threw them out. When my grandmother was dying of cancer, and my heart was breaking for the loss, I sang hymns. Years later, when my granddaughter was struggling for life in the neonatal unit, I sang them again. And I’ve sung them almost every day in between. When I’m sad, or scared, or thrilled, or excited. Anytime I can’t find the words to express my heart, I go to the hymns of my childhood. And lately, I’ve been singing them more.

The Bible talks about a time when Isaac dug again the wells of his father Abraham. The Philistines had filled the wells with desert sand and made them useless. But, Isaac knew sweet water still flowed down deep. So he dug in the same places. And he called the wells by the same names.

I think that’s is what I’ve been doing. I’m digging again the wells of “Amazing Grace,” and “Come, Thou Fount” and Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine.”

What wells are you digging?