I have decided to join the One Word tribe this year. Thanks mostly to a nudge from writer/editor/conference speaker/and friend Sue Brage. Choosing just one word to live by is daunting. I had narrowed it down to a theme. But one word? I’m a wordy person. One seemed like a tough challenge. Especially when you think of that quote from Mark Twain.

Ligtning 2

The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.
– Letter to George Bainton, 10/15/1888

Sheesh. So much pressure. I had an impression of where I want to focus this year. A general idea that I wanted to be braver. That I wanted to take some risks without making a “what-if” list first. The word I finally hit upon was Leap.

The Bible is filled with leaping. King David leaped with wild abandon when he brought the presence of God to Jerusalem. John leaped in his mother’s womb when Mary greeted Elizabeth. The crippled man leaped to his feet in Lystra when Paul called upon God to heal him.

But the leap that inspires me was Peter’s.

When he and John look up from their fishing boat and see Jesus on the shore, Peter can’t wait. He leaps from the boat and splashes toward Jesus without a thought for the fish, the nets, or the people who will think he is crazy. I want to leap like that. It isn’t a leap off a cliff, which would be foolish. It is a leap toward the goal of Jesus and all He has asked me to do in this life.

It is a leap of faith.