

Labor Day is 100 years old. I don’t think we’ve given enough recognition to this fact. Maybe because we have no idea why anyone even celebrates Labor Day. I decided to do a little research and discover what this day means beyond big parades, barbecues, and community festivals.

Guess what! Nothing. This day was deliberately set aside to give workers and their families a break. The original decree called for big parades and festival events that would provide entertainment for workers and their families. That’s it. Labor Day is officially a national Day Off.

Of course, when leaders created this holiday, workers spent their lives mostly in factories from dawn to dusk. Automation didn’t exist. Neither did workmen’s compensation for injuries or safety inspectors from OSHA. Work was hard.

I feel just a bit decadent taking a day off from my desk job.

But, I’m doing it, of course. I want to do my part for national spirit.