The Big Stuff

Hello, Dear Reader. I doubt that you are keeping track of these things, but I should have written a post for you on Monday. Indeed, you were penciled into my schedule, and you were often on my mind. However, my week was preempted by breaking news: three grandchildren...

Why My Blog Has New Colors

  Erma Bombeck once wrote a hilarious column about how buying a throw pillow on sale forced her to redecorate her entire living room. This is kind of like that. Last weekend … drum roll please … I finished writing my current novel. It still needs a...

What Our Grandchildren Really Want

I’m so glad I could show up at this trendy venue without totally embarrassing my hipster grandsons. (I left my tennies in the car.) I’ve also learned to text so I can talk to them and their siblings in the language of choice. However, I am not attempting...

What I learned about the Dream

I recently attended a Dream Year event with author Ben Arment, co-hosted by the lovely Felicity White. (To whom I happen to be quite fortunately related.) Since coming home, I’ve been reading Ben’s book discreetly. (You don’t really want your boss to...

Another Lesson from my Mother

My mother has a new phone number for the first time in sixty years. She has had this “little phone for my purse” a while. But I never even bothered memorizing that number. I could pull it up on my own cell phone if I needed to, but I never thought of it as...